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Kid's Do the Weirdest Things

My dad would always say when I was younger that children should be seen, and not heard. As a kid, I didn't really like that saying. I was loud and needed attention.

As a not-close-to-marriage-26-year-old, still working on how to feed my own self, I understand the quote. I love the quote. I live by the quote.

But sometimes, when they aren't pooping in their own pants, kids say really cute things. A friend of mine works at an elementary school, and she loves to tell our group about all of the funny things that they say or do. So, I thought, why to make a post about it...


The Dick Pic

We've seen it before, time and time again. The infamous kid-draws-a-picture-that-looks-way-too-much-like-a-wiener photo. It's hilarious because their intentions are great, but the execution was questionable.

This little girl decided she was going to draw some fish. To give her the benefit of the doubt, I do see some resemblance of like maybe some sort of sea cucumber.


Draw Your Family

Another favorite internet funny. Seeing how a child draws their family is a representation of how they view their family members and their roles.

I don't know if this child understood the assignment, but it looks like everyone in her family has big ass hands and huge boobs? Or I might just have a horrible imagination. Both highly possible.



I can already tell this kid has one of those I-am-going-to-take-everything-you-say-super-literally-just-to-piss-you-off personalities. Just look at that devilish face he drew on his Easter bunny project. I can see the sarcasm oozing out of his evil Crayola marker grin.

Sometimes it's fun to try and figure out how they child may have possible come up with their insane responses. Have a feeling this one's dad dressed up like the Easter bunny, and when the kid asked how old, Dad said, "57 years old." Or this child is haunted by a 57 year old man. Both highly possible.

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