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My Mind is Telling Me No, but this Instagram Post is Telling Me Yes.

Do you ever have thoughts that just rattle your being? Shake you to your core? Thoughts that are just so outlandish, but still somehow still so realistic, and they scare the shit out of you? Same.

And I wonder, how did those thoughts even come to be? Because a lot of the time I have these broad, other-worldly-type thoughts, I wonder how they even began to enter my brainwaves. From what realm of the universe are these insane thoughts about every detail of my inexperienced life coming from?

Its amazing how powerful the brain is. Parents always tell their kids these crazy lines like "you are what you eat", or they tell you how you can actually think things into reality. Like, that's some serious Harry Potter wizardry you're preaching, Mom. I can THINK things into REALITY? Pack my bags. I'm going to Hogwart's.

As a kid, things were simple. My thoughts revolved around what I would eat for dinner, or which color V-Tech phone I was going to put on my birthday list so I could call my BFF and see what plethora of uniform outfits options she had picked out for the week. There were no extra levels of thought. Life was simple. Things made sense. My parents paid for my food and did my laundry. I liked that life.

Then one day, you think you're on Platform 9 & 3/4's but in reality, you just jumped on the Bullet Train for adulthood and guess what? Mom's not home. And dad's sick of your shit. And Hagrid isn't Hagrid. He's a similar looking guy, but this man is wearing a microphone headset, and this man is your college computer teacher.

But back to those outlandish thoughts we were discussing previously. I think it started around my early 20's. No, not the indigestion. The weird thoughts. I think our generation gets a lot of shit for assuming we aren't using that big ass mass in our skulls. But I bet a lot of the great philosophers, psychologists, and wizards (Prof. Snape <3) were seen as a little different, because of these involuntary metaphysical thoughts. So put me in coach, I'm ready to play.

So you start planning, and God laughs at you, but he's also lightweight proud of you for actually even taking the time to make a plan in the first place. It's responsible. And then a wrench gets thrown...

And sometimes those "wrenches" are big, like an interview you thought went the best it could have gone, only to not receive a response after two extremely professional, well-thought follow-up emails. Or, it can be something small, like asking the barista what the difference between Chai and Thai tea is, only to get a smartass response, "Well, one is from Thailand..."

So you go on Instagram, and Facebook, and whatever other distraction or "answer" you can find. You search blogs, and horoscopes, and quotes by Horacio Jones, and you try to find anything or anyone that will say just the right thing, at exactly the right time (sup, Vertical Horizon?), just to reaffirm what you're doing is the "right" thing.

And it's all preparation. Watch...

What are we preparing for? Do we really even know? But does that mean we should stop what we're doing right now and re-evaluate? No. Unless what you're doing at this moment is something that makes you incredibly unhappy. The jist of this article is to get whoever is reading to understand that you're not alone in this debauchery we call life. Those thoughts you have? We all have them. And your thoughts are independently yours, but how much are you letting those thoughts control your actions? If your brain is powerful enough to have these thoughts in the first place, then put that thang down flip it and reverse it, because your brain is just as powerful at actually getting you to turn those thoughts into your reality.

So sit back. Relax. And strap on ya seat belt. Cause you've literally never been on a ride like this before.

K. I'm really done quoting Dr. Dre now. Here's a playlist I made to listen to while you read and share this post.


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